Increased energy efficiency standard for light vehicles comes into effect

On February 12, 2024, the regulation establishing a minimum energy efficiency standard for light motor vehicles came into effect, as regulated in Ministerial Resolution No. 5/2022 of the Ministry of Energy. This measure is part of the implementation of Law No. 21.305 on Energy Efficiency, which incorporates the establishment of energy efficiency standards consisting of energy performance goals for light, medium, and heavy motor vehicles.

In particular, vehicles subject to the energy efficiency standard are light vehicles, defined as those with a gross vehicle weight of less than 2,700 kg, excluding those with three or fewer wheels.

The key regulated aspects include:

  1. Metric to define the energy efficiency standard: energy performance in kilometers per liter of gasoline equivalent on average for the total number of valid individual homologation certificates issued by each responsible party, with its equivalence in grams of CO2 per kilometer.
  2. Métrica para definir el estándar de eficiencia energética: rendimiento energético en kilómetros por litros de gasolina equivalente en términos promedio para el total de certificados de homologación individual válidamente emitidos por cada responsable, con su equivalencia en gramos de CO2 por kilómetro.
  3. Reference energy performance standard::
  • Between 2024 and 2026: 18.8 km/l of gasoline equivalent.
  • Between 2027 and 2029: 22.8 km/l of gasoline equivalent.
  • From 2030 onwards, including the year 2030: 28.9 km/l of gasoline equivalent.
  1. Supervision: The Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications will annually oversee compliance with the energy efficiency standards, considering the individual homologation certificates issued by each responsible party between January 1 and December 31 of each year. In case of non-compliance, the Ministry will notify the Superintendence of Electricity and Fuels to initiate the corresponding sanctioning procedure.
  2. Sanctions: In case of non-compliance, fines will be up to 0.2 UF for each tenth of a kilometer per liter of gasoline equivalent below the standard defined for the corresponding year, multiplied by the total number of valid individual homologation certificates issued by the responsible party in the respective year.

For additional information on this matter, please contact: Francisco López,

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