New SEA Evaluation Criteria for the Consideration of Cumulative and Synergistic Impacts.

On November 25, 2024, the Environmental Assessment Service (SEA) published the “Evaluation Criteria in the SEIA: Methodologies for Considering Cumulative and Synergistic Impacts” (“Criteria”) on its website.

The Criteria aim to establish a general methodology for integrating the analysis of cumulative and synergistic impacts into the environmental assessment of projects within the Environmental Impact Assessment System (SEIA). As a general methodology, it applies to all types of impacts and projects or activities submitted to SEIA.

The key aspects addressed by the Criteria include:

  • Conceptual Framework: Defines the types of projects and activities to be considered for analyzing cumulative and synergistic impacts.
  • Scope of Cumulative and Synergistic Impacts in SEIA: Establishes the conditions under which such impacts are applicable in Environmental Impact Declarations and Environmental Impact Studies.
  • Methodology for Assessing Cumulative and Synergistic Impacts: Includes three steps—defining areas of influence, integrating identified impacts, and evaluating the significance of these impacts.
  • Minimum Requirements for Monitoring Plans: Outlines the essential elements for developing plans to monitor relevant environmental variables.

Finally, SEA, through Exempt Resolution No. 202499101937 dated November 22, 2024, clarified that the Criteria will take effect upon the publication of an abstract of the Resolution in the Official Gazette, expected during the third week of February 2025.

For further information, you may contact Javier Naranjo (, Martín Esser (, Javiera Rodríguez (, or María Paz Valenzuela (

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