Destacamos la opinión de nuestro director, Francisco López, en el artículo publicado en el Diario El Mercurio, a raíz del anuncio de nuevas multas por cortes de luz, por parte del Gobierno, y cambios en el proyecto de subsidios.
Destacamos la opinión de nuestro director, Francisco López, en el artículo publicado en el Diario El Mercurio, a raíz del anuncio de nuevas multas por cortes de luz, por parte del Gobierno, y cambios en el proyecto de subsidios.
We received a visit from the representatives of Fundación ProBono as part of the process of strengthening our partnership with the organization. During the meeting, we discussed the various pro bono experiences carried out by JDF, as
Once again, we have been recognized in the 2025 edition of the Latin Lawyer ranking in the areas of Banking and Finance, Corporate M&A, Environment, and Labor Law. We highlight the leadership of the partners in charge of these legal practices
Sentencia imparcialidad – juez árbitro Con fecha 10 de julio de 2024, la ICA de Santiago acogió un recurso de queja interpuesto por la demandada del juicio arbitral CAM Rol N°4738-2021, en contra del Sr.
Director of Energy, Francisco López, was interviewed on Pauta Global of Radio Pauta, where he discussed the changes that need to be applied to the regulation of the electricity industry. Listen to the
On July 30, 2024, a bill (hereinafter referred to as the "Bill") was presented and submitted by the Executive to the Chamber of Deputies. This Bill, drafted by the Ministries of Housing and Urban
On July 22, 2024, the Environmental Assessment Service ("SEA") issued a report regarding the requirement for Salmonid Fattening Centers ("CES") to enter the Environmental Impact Assessment System ("SEIA") following the sanctioning procedure