Rafael Valdivieso

More than 30 years of experience in commercial law, tax law, mergers and acquisitions.

He has extensive experience in the design and execution of reorganization processes and tax structuring of individuals, companies and economic groups, project financing, and as an advisor in the purchase, merger and sale of several companies, among others.

President and director of Emaresa, Ingenieros y Representaciones S.A. (2010-2023). Member of the Board of Directors of the Marcelo Astoreca Foundation.

His leadership and experience in corporate and tax matters have been recognized in the main international rankings.

Practice areas


Lawyer, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile (1994)
Master in Tax Law, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Santiago, Chile (2002 - 2004)
Adjunct Professor at the Master in Business Law, Universidad de Los Andes, Santiago, Chile (2022 - 2023)
Appears on:

Jara Del Favero achieves the first favorable court ruling since the Luxury Tax came into effect, which addresses the "indispensability" of the luxury good subject to taxation, in this case, an aircraft used for agricultural-livestock business operations.

Con fecha 27 de abril de 2024, el Tribunal Tributario y Aduanero de Los Lagos acogió un reclamo tributario presentado por el socio y por el abogado senior del área Tributaria de Jara Del Favero Abogados, Rafael Valdivieso y Martín Hudson, respectivamente, declarando exento del impuesto al lujo una aeronave de propiedad de un empresario […]

Tax Talk

"The International Double Taxation, US-Chile DTA, and 2024 Tax Reform" was the lecture delivered today by Rafael Valdivieso and Martín Hudson to Alcalá Inversiones's clients, covering general aspects and areas of application, among others.

JDF is recognized in international rankings

Estamos muy contentos con los resultados de los últimos rankings entregados por The Legal 500 y Leaders League, lo que refleja el compromiso de todos los equipos de las diferentes áreas de práctica de JDF por realizar un trabajo profesional, de excelencia y eficiente a cada uno de los requerimientos de nuestros clientes. A ellos, […]

Chamber of Representatives rejects tax reform, preventing its discussion for one year

Con fecha 8 de marzo de 2023, la Cámara de Diputados rechazó el proyecto de ley de reforma tributaria. Producto de lo anterior, el Ejecutivo no podrá volver a presentar un nuevo proyecto sobre la materia hasta transcurrido un año, salvo que exista un acuerdo del Senado por mayoría de dos tercios. Entre las materias […]

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