Postponement of the supply bidding process for regulated energy customers

The National Energy Commission (CNE), through Exempt Resolution No. 560, approved the modification of the bases of the National and International Public Bidding for the supply of electricity to regulated customers.

The modification implies a postponement of the bidding process 2023/01, postponing the date for submitting proposals from December 2023 to April 2024.

Among the reasons for making the modifications to the bases, it is argued that the presentation of the discrepancy No. 52-2023 of November 13, which focuses on the residential generation projection used in the Final Report, filed before the Panel of Experts, could eventually imply a modification to the demand projection established in the Final Report, so the modification would provide certainty to potential bidders.

This change is in addition to the one made at the time of publishing the Final Report on Electricity Supply Bids 2023, last October, which adjusted the amount of energy to be auctioned, reducing from 5400GWh to 4800 GWh.

This postponement will also provide greater certainty regarding the energy transition bill currently being processed in the Senate, and the legal proposal announced by the Executive Branch that would implement a subsidy for electricity tariffs. It should be recalled that for the current bidding process some modifications were made, among which stand out the increase of the duration of the supply contracts to 20 years, the segmentation of the bidding into three zonal blocks, the possibility of transferring the systemic costs of the short term market, and incentives to storage and generation means with non-variable renewable energies.

With the modifications introduced, the new schedule is as follows:


Stage Date
Date of submission of proposals: April 09, 2024, between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
Date of Opening and Inspection of the Economic Offers

and opening of the Reserve Price and opening of the Reserve Price.

May 02, 2024, starting at 11:00 a.m.
Public Award Ceremony, in case of finalization of the award

completion of the First Stage awarding of Supply Blocks N°1 and N°2.

May 08, 2024
Public Award Ceremony, in case of finalization of the award

in completion of awarding in the Second Stage of Supply Block N°1 or N°2.

May 14, 2024


Should you require additional information on this matter, please contact Francisco López (

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