Request for information from producers of priority products within the framework of the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Law.

The Ministry of the Environment, through Exempt Resolution No. 01025/2024 dated May 22, 2024, has issued a request for information to producers of priority products regarding their commercialization and the management of waste derived from these priority products, within the context of Law No. 20.920 which Establishes the Framework for Waste Management, Extended Producer Responsibility, and Promotion of Recycling, known as the “EPR Law”.

The request falls within the information obligations established for producers of priority products that are subject to the EPR Law, as well as for producers of priority products that fall under a category or subcategory excluded from the EPR Law.

Recipients: The request for information is addressed to producers of the following priority products:

  • Lubricating oils
  • Electrical and electronic appliances.
  • Batteries.
  • Packaging, including producers who introduce less than 300 kilograms of packaging into the market; reusable packaging; and packaging belonging to the “others” subcategory.
  • Bicycle and wheelchair tires, and solid tires
  • Newspapers, periodicals, and magazines.

Producers of priority products: The same resolution establishes that producers of priority products will be considered as those who introduce them into the market, where “introducing into the market” is understood as the following actions:

  • Selling a priority product for the first time in the national market.
  • Selling priority products under their own brand that were acquired from a third party who is not the first distributor.
  • Importing priority products for their own professional use.

Obligation to report: Producers of the aforementioned priority products must report by 2:00 p.m. on July 15 of the current year, through the Single Window of the Emissions and Pollutant Transfer Register (RETC) website, the quantity - units, cubic meters, and/or tons - of priority products introduced into the market in the country during the year 2023.

En caso de que requiera información adicional sobre esta materia, pueden contactar a: Javier Naranjo,; Martín Esser,; María Paz Valenzuela,

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